Saturday, September 26, 2020

P O S I N G     F O R      A R T



Anonymous said...

He must be having the time of his life being naked and having a group of women sketch him as so...

- Rob

Anonymous said...

I hate to be a party pooper but a male posing nude for a room full of women is not what you might imagine.

I've done it hundreds of times, and I can assure you that after the first minute all it is is hard work. Holding a pose for twenty minutes - sometimes half an hour - without a stretch break can be excruciating.

To fantasize about it is one thing, the reality is another. Studios are notoriously draughty and cold, and a space heater is often a necessity, and conditions in said studio are most often grubby and uncomfortable. Another thing is that as a class, art students are not noted for their high intellect or disciplined conduct, so a class can be constantly interrupted by comings and goings of them many of whom will forget to close the door behind them causing an unwelcome blast of cold air.

Life drawing class is not prime CFNM.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it was so horrible that you kept going back, over and over! LOL

Anonymous said...

Yeah ! Its pretty tough sometimes the things you have to do to make get some cash.

Anonymous said...

I think he is holding his arm up to ask to go to the toilet but the host of the class will not let him. How totally embarrassing and humiliating for him. Femsup

Irish Cfnm model said...

It is hard work but I personally love doing it. For a genuine art class i agree it is very asexual. They are just drawing you. But occasionally there is someone with a cheeky smile who just loves being there. These moments make it worth while