Friday, July 15, 2022






CFNM is becoming more and more common everywhere in every day life! 

The CFNM culture must be spread in any way: in movies cfnm scenes are so growing very fast. 

That's a good way to make usual and normal male nudity in front of dressed females.






CFNM1976 said...

ooh la la./.

George said...

More, more, more!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I always like an embarrassment / humiliation aspect to CFNM and liked the bathroom scene photos.


Anonymous said...

Marie is right, CFNM is becoming commonly accepted and movies, as well as other arts, like theatre, photography, painting, etc. can contribute to spread the cfnm culture!

Anonymous said...

There are ways of getting naked males in almost any movie. Like a military movie, show a couple of shower scenes with a female drill sergeant going in to address the men and show full frontal for a few moments. They could do it for sports movies and of course swimming movies and make it pure CFNM and only show the males and not females. If we are going to have CFNM make it CLOTHED female and NAKED male.

Anonymous said...

I recommend the movie Love, Sex, And Pandemic. Great CFNM!

Anonymous said...

The woman in the white robe reminds me of Barbara Streisand in Yentl where her friend who doesn't know she is a woman bathes naked and talks to her with other males naked in the background. Femsup

Eleanor said...

Jono Kenyon is perfection incarnate

Eleanor said...

Where does the fifth screenshot come from?

Anonymous said...

Wow many movies many scene have clothed girl but guy is full naked.
Also It have in some asian movies, sub actor show his hard penis without hiding.