Monday, July 25, 2022

WNBR in Bruxelles, ladies talking about the photos they took ...



Anonymous said...

"Send to all" of their female contacts.
That will make them jealous! :=)

Dark Wolf said...

girls are so much hidden on this pic.
I thinking who their planning to send it

Buckeye5395 said...

Nice to see men who look average. The gentlemen on the
end are natural. Not sure about the guy in the center because of the
shadow. All are well trimmed. Shoes and socks only. Lots of great pics from the WNBR.

Unknown said...

Hey this is typical at least from my experience girls act like they r not looking at the naked male but they are looking. Its fine i understand some of a females inner thoughts so I really enjoy CFNM with them! I have a few frineds that tried it an had a lot of anxiety, lol. thx for pic take care all bye!