Tuesday, July 12, 2022







Fine dressed ladies enhance cfnm sensations ...

and everybody has fun !

Posing between two naked guys is priceless

Many ladies, many naked men, but not all dicks are so appealing

The seated ladies are at the right eyes level ...

... but they can't believe to their eveys

She shows those cfnm photos, while is almost touched by his dick



Buckeye5395 said...

Well dressed, good looking women
with naked men wearing nothing but shoes and socks
What a nice CFNM moment. Three cheers for the WNBR.
Not sure about wearing hats for men. I can see it for bicycle headgear
for safety reasons and a baseball cap to keep the sun out of ones eyes
or prevent the burning a nearly bald scalp. Bottom Line: Women look good in
hats but men I just don't see it. For the men out there true CFNM is not wearing hats at least not for phots .

CFNM1976 said...

I would like to meet the girl o. the green./. And I won't dress for the occasion./.

mike said...

Looks crazy - and I can't believe it's legal to walk fully naked in the middle of the town with your penis on full display - it must be an extreme experience - and I would love to try it one day :)

Anonymous said...

These are some seriously horny CFNM photos!

Anonymous said...

Seated women teasing the naked men by nearly putting on a show themselves

Anonymous said...

The women happy to take photos of every naked man but only allow themselves to photographed next to the guys with big cocks! :=)

GayMasterDom the First said...

I wonder if the girl in the green dress invited her two girl friends to come and see her naked boyfriend?

Anonymous said...

Agree with the comment about being totally naked at WNBR. I was there, wearing only a pair of flip flops. A hat and glasses lends an element of anonymity, whereas you should not just be showing the ladies your cock, but your identity also. I personally have always thought the sexiest part of a lady is her face. Its only right that they get to see the whole package

Nmyskn said...

The ladies are perfectly dressed in the men's dicks.

Anonymous said...

I would love to swing freely for the ladies with my big dick!

Anonymous said...

Males seem like sex object for females. They must fully naked but females still clothed. But any men still accepted and happy.