Saturday, January 07, 2023

 A vintage shower

In old magazines CFNM photos are not uncommon.

Here is a sequence where the man undresses to take a shower, 

while the clothed woman looks at him, touches him and admires his genitals in full view


CFNM1976 said...

God I love her./. The are fortunate to find themselves in each other's company./.

Anonymous said...

Nice! :)

Anonymous said...

What a romantic and arousing CFNM scene!
Wish it was me!

Anonymous said...

Cute and sexy. So natural!

Anonymous said...

That's a very exquisite photo !

Anonymous said...

love this ! much better than freezing your nuts off in the outdoor in winter

mike said...

There is something really nice in old, vintage pics or movies like this one - everything looks so innocent, so cute and so natural :) And that actor must be a really brave to show his naed body to the whole movie crew :)