Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Yale University, the Saybrook Strip

Saybrook students are known on campus for "the Saybrook Strip", a ritual performed during football games at the end of the third quarter. Both male and female college residents strip down to their underwear (some males  remove all their clothing) to accompaniment by the Yale Precision Marching Band, which formerly played "The Stripper". So CFNM is on!

The girls faces and smiles say all

Naked in front of the crowd, a great CFNM show

All the females looking there and smiling ...


Anonymous said...

The women are laughing but after the event they know who is packing and who is not

Proud Servant said...

Wow! Big crowd, outdoors, in cold weather. Quite impressive. And I agree, it's good to see so many, many smiling women. And I see just one woman who took her top off, that's it. So many men eager to strip bare for all to see. What a great step in social evolution.