Saturday, September 29, 2018

Asian boyfriend, dressed and humiliated ...  

...that's usual at WNBR !  

Some friends and readers suggest me that the behaviour of Asian girls 

of teasing, embarrassing and even humiliating boyfriend at wnbr is recurring.

Many are the ways:

- posing with naked guys in front of their dressed Asian boyfriend

- making their boyfriends to pose with them 

- asking to their own boyfriends to take pictures of then close to naked guys

- demand to their Aian boyfriends to follow the Western ones standard, undressing

Since Asian guys are generally shy and refuse, to humiliate them even more, 

girlfriends smile and tlk with aked guys, staring and commenting at their nudity 

and sometimes enjoying some erection too!

Here some samples ...

He shows thumb-up to hide his embarrassment, while the girlfriend is smiling
The Asian guy pretend to look elsewhere, while his girl is chiecking the naked pics
"Your boyfriend took great pics of us with your phone"
My dear the pics with these naked guys are really nice!

Darling, take a pic of me with this huge black cock

"your boyfriend should follow the example of this nice guy" their friends tell to the girl on the left close to her fiancé

girls are happy to pose with the naked guys, while the Asian dressed boys are not!

"thank you for posing with me. I like how you are confortable with nudity. On the contrary, my boyfriend taking the pics is not"

"My darling, shoot while he is hardening!"

All the girls smile at that big cock, but the boyfriend of the girl on the right is humiliated


Anonymous said...

Wow! Wow! Wow!
Great photos wish it was me with all those cute women :)

Anonymous said...

All these Asian girls will have a peanut cock contest for their Asian boyfriends

Anonymous said...

Why can't these girls get there boys naked?


Anonymous said...

Look at the boy in the fourth pic. He is so excited that his foreskin is taken back so that you can see his glans with his peehole. What an erotic pic!

Anonymous said...

Sincerly monster black cocks!

D T R said...

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