Saturday, September 08, 2018

a couple at the beach


Anonymous said...

Best way to enjoy the beach

let it swing said...

Hi Marie,

The more I go to the beach butt naked with the wife, I am convinced women go to look at the willies and butt naked men! My wife is constantly on the look out for big willies! Don't we just love it.

Anonymous said...

this is the best ! TFNM is the way to go. the men get to see boobs and the ladies see all the cocks

Anonymous said...

Hello Marie! My wife enjoys looking at the naked men on the beach. She noticed that all the men were naked and that all the women were wearing swim suits. She too thinks that this is becoming the norm. Besides, she readily admits that she can't get over the fact that all the women who go to the beach are there to look. She loves pointing out big ones to me and always reminds me how undersized I am in that department. She also thinks that society is changing to a pro-female one.