Thursday, September 27, 2018

Naked attraction, 3rd edition

The 3rd season of this (cfnm) TV program has started on the past August.

Here some amazing cfnm scenes from the 2nd episode

Look in the blog for the previous post about Naked Attraction

The presenter looks at the new contestant Josh

He smiles, happy to show her (and to million of women) himself naked

she asks hin to turn to check also his ass
and she comments his genitals

and now the female contestant is coming ...

wow, he is completely naked between two dressed women

and seen in the nude by million of women in UK
they all checking carefully every detail of him


Anonymous said...

I wish I was that man every woman to
see everything I have & laugh & comment on it :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, he must have got a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

C'est pas demain la veille qu'on aura ce genre de spectacle à la TV française. Et c'est bien dommage !!!

Anonymous said...

j'magine être sur TF1, un samedi soir à 21h et découvrir les candidats, quel pied !