Wednesday, May 09, 2012

CFNM University streaking reactions

American universities streaking tradition gives students a new glimpse of their peers

The US Berkeley University tradition: scores of students dropped their clothes on the 8th floor of Davis Library and ran down through the building and out across campus.

Girls' faces reaction looking at their classmates in the nude are the best!



Shy Boy with a Small Penis said...

Looks like fun

Anonymous said...

Clearly the girls are reacting the way the are because the boys are so embarrassed. The boys had no choice. The girls made them do it. Because boys are so stupid they can not think unless the girls tell them what to do so that they will be humiliated. Isn't that right?

Steven said...

This should be obligatory for all schools!

Anonymous said...

Yes Steven, this should be mandatory in all schools!

Anonymous said...

Daddy-san's butt plug?

Anonymous said...

Thought you would like this:

Anonymous said...

Anon May 14,
many thanks, nice pics

kiwidave said...

great pics its some thing i would do for sure just to see the girls enjoying the sight of naked guys and it sure would be more enjoyable if some girls streaked as well and as i have a good sized penis although i might get a hard on at the thought of being naked around pretty girls

Anonymous said...

Embarassed and amused girls smiling at naked guys, the best CFNM scenario!

Anonymous said...

one of the best cfnm scenario!

Anonymous said...

I adore to see some pussies and boobs on some pics above!!!!! Yummy!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon May 10, 2012 at 4:26 PM: Go shitting!!! :D

Anonymous said...

There are also naked girls running around. It seems to me that this blog is specializing in hiding the part of reality that you don't like.

Anonymous said...

I wish my college or schools were like this, because I’d totally endeavor the attention and also get an erection as well doing it (as I’ve always been kinda like a nudist). I love how the girls are reacting to all this; which means OBVIOUSLY they’re enjoying it! I hoped at least that if I did go to a college/school like this, I’d get a girlfriend, or at least again, HOPE one of ‘em pretty gals got “ahold” of me. If you know what I’m talking about! ��

Mosquerin said...

Si claro de acuerdo

Mosquerin said...

De acuerdo

Mosquerin said...

Soy de colombia bogota. Me encanta estar estar desnudo frente a mujeres vestidas 57 3017700997 colombia bigota akguna mujere disponible para que me vea desnudo y me haga dar verguenza