Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Girls lovo reading ... virtual cfnm


Anonymous said...

All woman should be given as much exposure to naked man as they wish. In person would be better, they should have a naked little boy toy to play with and entertain them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous: that thing that you are saying doesn´t show but your perverted and dirty mind. Shame on you! If you were a man and had written that, all the world would take as an outrage. So why should´t be taken as a dangerous perverted person too?

Anonymous said...

Probably was a man.And let us not throw stones whilst in a glass house.Why are you here if not to do somethin gsociety largely frowns upon.

She or he does not advocate what you might think if you read carefully.


Anonymous said...

Latest Anonymous: I am here just because I feel like it. We all know that your stinky pseudoideology goes against freedom, but that will never do with me. So...shut your mouth! ;)

Anonymous said...

rien de choquant qu'elles montrent ces photos, elles auraient preferer en reel, trois copines qui sont avec moi en ce moment ont eu l'idée de passer des annonces pour des filles comme elles pour qu'elles puissent le faire en vrai, je veux dire que je serais nu