Friday, July 03, 2020

Roskilde, the female speaker: "look at him ..."

a swinging long dick, shave and going to grow ... 

... and all the girls in the audience look at him giggling



Old School Fan said...

This is how all men should be shown - shaved and with glans fully exposed.
It's the ultimate strip-off!

Anonymous said...

Its a great pic. As pointed out, he is shaven, which enhances his nakedness. As the ladies comment on what they see and clap demurely in their stylish T-shirts, advertising a radio station, he has it spray painted on his skin like livestock. Truly demeaning, though like a good slave he probably doesn't understand what is going on. Maisie.

coleopter said...

Like a good steer going to slaughter, he probably doesn’t understand what is going on.
To continue your livestock metaphor; )

Old School Fan said...

In the last photo, everyone is looking for the next contestant except the girl on the far right in blue jeans and boots.

She continues to stare at this very white steer, maybe fantasizing about how she could justify adding him to her "herd"?

Anonymous said...

Judging by your comments about livestock and slaughterhouses, I have to tell you, maisie and coleopter, that you both are really sick. You two are disgusting. F.y.

Old School Fan said...

Why are you even here, douchebag?

Happy Naked Male said...

Love the expressions of 2 womens faces in the 2nd photo on the right hand side
Having a good look and definitely loving it! :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Happy Naked Male, they are really loving his semi hard penis swinging around

Anonymous said...

Because you are here old "shi" fan, you son of a bitch. ;-)

Old School Fan said...

Pussie. Can't even leave a name. lol

Anonymous said...

Yes, I can leave a name: your mother´s. It´s very known in every bawdy house. ;-)

Keep on kising my ass, my litle bitch. LOL