Monday, May 24, 2021






Male nudity is more and more shown in movies and, above all, cfnm scenes are steadily growing.


In this movie a great cfnm scene, like this, when she even grabs his dick.


Julie Bremon, Les rencontres dapres minuit


George said...

Looks like a terrific movie!

CFNM1976 said...

Pictures 3 and 5 says it all./. Know CFNM... Know peace./.

Dark Wolf said...

My opinion remains, is not art, is just as excuse to show fetishes. not problem, just only not use it as pure art, we like a girl interaction with nude males

Dark Wolf said...

In other ways, I simple like to think how is ruled the relationship between the actors.
Notice it, all actors have they dressing rooms splited in male and female, but in this case the male part is not too significant.
Females coworkers can see them all time, on show time, or in rest under scenes... Acessing his privatives by view or touching.
And all females remain in private, knowing and can talking about male assets.
For them all that remains is the certainty that they know their forms, and to evite to constrain they... knowing that they can constrain them!

Anonymous said...

So what if it is showing fetishes? At least it is not porn if only the males are naked. Of course women should always remain dressed although all the males are naked and it should be common even in public places.

Anonymous said...

IMPD says this about this movie

Lots of full male nudity, including erect penis being fondled but note there is no female frontal nudity.

Just as I like it, lots of full frontal naked males even with hard ons but NO female frontal nudity. Every movie should be like this.

Anonymous said...

When are we going to see a mainstream movie where CFNM is practiced throughout? Its high time we had one. Yes the actresses and the director if a Woman should be able to position by a gentle cup of the bottom or tug of the genitals. Or a smack to the face bottom or thighs. This is a very dreamy episode. Femsup