Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Travelling in India to discover cfnm traditions.

A couple of tourists stare at a Naga Babas, naked holy man, in Varanasi, India

She says to hubby: "I love this local habit, it should be adopted also in our country ... "



Anonymous said...

I love this local habit, it should be adopted also in our country ... "

I fully agree. It should be common everywhere, the males naked and the woman and girls remain modestly dressed. Before long, every girl will have seen many naked males while no male has seen them unless they are in an intimate relationship with the woman.

Anonymous said...

He needs to shave so nothing distracts from the ladies seeing his cock and balls. Tough luck for us males because while the ladies see our pricks, we will never see their breast or vulvas.

Anonymous said...

Good grief,I like CFNM but it's not a lifestyle that needs to be forced upon the entire world. If you no longer want to see women naked that's your problem, but don't expect the rest of us to suffer, but then again I'm not completely obsessed with this stuff like some of you are

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 12:15,

Relax! He's painting a verbal picture of his preferences, not dictating how everyone should think. Some of you dopes here aren't happy unless you find something to complain about.

How sad for you.

Femdom House said...

Theese sadus stay nude and poor girls and women worship them...They do lot of penis tricks such as carry heavy weights from their dicks....This is a great entertainment for girls...keep it up...

Pegme said...

I am guessing you are from India. I from Mumbai.