Thursday, May 17, 2012

Artic skinny dipping


Jenny Piper and Vivian West said...

It is always such a delight, to see young men gamboling about on the beach in their natural state! Occasionally Vivian and I would encounter a lad who was rather shy. She would assure him that we fully understood that modesty was not a male trait, and that we wouldn't mind in the slightest if he doffed his costume and enjoyed himself, and shared his innocent pleasure with us women.

xoxo Jenny

takis greece said...

Jenny and Vivian it is very nice for guys to give such pleasure to the women on the beach beeing naked all the time!i really love beeing totaly naked on the beach Jenny and Vivian when i go for my holidays here in an island i cant wait to be in the middle of the women of the beach!tell me situations you have lived and i can share mine

Sneaky Pete said...

If you click on "Sneaky Pete" above, it will open a British Heart Foundation webpage. Look at the third ad from the top. This appeared on billboards throughout the UK in 2007.

Anonymous said...

I wonder there were complaints about such a nice photo!
Thank Peter

Anonymous said...

"The ASA received 75 complaints about billboards featuring a nude man embracing a woman in her swimming costume."

That's 75 out of a population of 60 million. Apparently the other 59,999,925 Britons saw nothing peculiar about a woman in a one-piece bathing suit swimming with a naked man.

Anonymous said...

ASA shuold receive appreciations for that photo!

Anonymous said...

Swimsuits are for women -- and sissies!