Friday, September 02, 2016

B  O  D  Y            P A  I  N  T  I  N  G


Anonymous said...

Typical uncut cock. Nothing new...

Proud Servant said...

Great pics! She's so focused on her work. The man is just an object to her, a means to her artistic expression. Looks like she's taking her time, doing a thorough job. If she were painting me I'd be wondering if she was going to paint my cock, and focus there and touch me with her brush. I'd get half-hard whether she did or not. It's a big tease, especially if she paints his cock. Her brush would be wet and a bit slippery, but so much less satisfying than a lubed-up hand. But he's there for her, and has to stand still for her and wait, not knowing.

rod said...

I would be half hard waiting for her to touch my cock.