Wednesday, September 28, 2016

C F N M     I N    F A S H I O N    A D V E R T I S I N G, 

N O T   O N L Y    H I D D E N    N U D I T Y



Anonymous said...

very erotic photos.

Proud Servant said...

Wow, there's a lot to like here. I'm glad they're willing to show cock. And him touching his cock and her watching him do it--that's the hottest one. I also like the ones with multiple naked men, suggesting that women deserve this. Multiple naked adoring men, in the one in color, even better. The use of the apple is good--a role reversal on Eve. I like the one with her riding on his shoulders--another level of superiority. And in the first one, his cock has got to be very close to her pussy. But all he gets to do his hold pose and look into her eyes, while she decides whether to press into him or not.

Like I said, a lot to like. Thanks, Marie!

Anonymous said...

CFNM art is to me the best form of art, love these pictures, bravo Marie for your work !