Tuesday, July 23, 2024


its priests must always have their genitals exposed for adoration by the always-dressed nuns



IndianVoyeurGirl said...

What are the beliefs of this religion? Who is the God of this religion? And which is the holy book of this religion?

DeaconBlues said...

Indian Voyer Girl, I do not have the answer to your questions, but if this is any example of their dress code I think I will be converting to that church as soon as I find them.

NudeVinzAtl said...

I'd certainly attend a CFNM church service!

Anonymous said...

I love this photo. Definitely a need for a cfnm church to exist. I'd attended every day.

Verygary said...

Well: I'll be damned!

Anonymous said...

Anyone know why these monks were invited to the girls school? They knew they would be naked right? I do think the girls were really enjoying having them there.