Tuesday, July 30, 2024



Cfnm sport events are already common ...

Let's go back to the original ancient games, when all the male athletes were naked.

Even today there are many competitions, for example, running, 

where male athletes compete naked in front of an audience with many dressed women..





Anonymous said...

Just the way it should be done but give the girls the front row seats, the younger the girls the closer to the front they get.

CFNM1976 said...

Rumor is an ancient Greece only single females are allowed to attend the Olympics./. I heard it was som great CFNM in those days. /.

Anonymous said...

I did research this and single women were allowed to attend. Could not find any information on how many did attend or their ages but I hope it was thousands of women and girls of all ages. It was a good way for girls to know which male they wanted to be with since they could see their dicks and also know if they had a good set of balls.

CFNM1976 said...

If I remember it was to get single ladies to get them interested in making families. Seeing all the males and their penises was supposed to get them warm in the loins and in the heart./. It would be Great if males and females were still introduced this way./

Anonymous said...

It would be Great if males and females were still introduced this way./

The women and even girls would get to see all the males naked long before they get married while the males would only see the woman he marries on their wedding night Sounds fair to me.

Happy Ava said...

That should be a requirement for marriage. That males have to strip completely naked for their bride, and remain naked before they can get married. Minimum of a week

Anonymous said...

so much utter delusion on here!

Anonymous said...

What is YOUR interest in cfnm then?

Anonymous said...

Happy Ava, why only a week? It should be a month, Maybe it should be like an engagement ring for a woman, a naked male would indicate he is engaged and his penis now belongs to her.