Sunday, August 25, 2024

A couple at home



Anonymous said...

I would prefer her pants be pulled up a bit but he is dressed just right. No need for women to show anything but males should be naked/

Anonymous said...

she is really giving his cock a good look !

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see a woman who isn't ashamed or embarrassed to just enjoy staring at it. So many women are brought up to believe they are a nasty, bad person for enjoying looking at penises, even though it is perfectly normal to be curious about, and want to look at, things we don't have ourselves or familiarity with. While its fun when they are shy and giddy in response, it's also nice for them rather than just "steal" quick glimpses, to take it all in, satisfy their curiosity, and know that it is safe to stare and observe as long as they like. Feeling safe to just stare as long as they like always brings them into a relaxed and euphoric state. It's fun to see the relaxation and joy grow across their face as they contentedly just smile and stare at the penis for as long as they like!

Anonymous said...

That is why CFNM should be a lot more popular, like the swim meets we had when I was in high school. the males were naked and the girls wore modest one piece suits and our meets had about 150-200 spectators, mostly girls and moms who brought daughters, some around 10 or even younger. Our coach had swim team members go in twos into the stands to thank people for attending the match, the girls in one piece suits, the males naked. I loved the looks the girls had when a naked male was at her eye level a foot or two away from her.

Anonymous said...

That must have been incredible, where and when was this?
As a young man, that would have made me very nervous. Though thinking about it, everyone would have been in very good shape, with bodies to be proud of. Quite a treat for all the females present, no doubt...

CFNM1976 said...

CFNM makes the best couples./.

CFNM1976 said...

You are correct./.

Anonymous said...

Feeling safe to just stare as long as they like always brings them into a relaxed and euphoric state.

That is why those swim teams like mentioned below should never have stopped. It gave young girls a safe place to see naked males for perhaps the first time rather than have some prick show his cock to young girls and have that be the first penis she sees. In a safe setting, it gives the moms a chance to educate her. I also think adults should set an example for the kids and if they boys are naked the adult males should be too so the girls could see the difference between a boy and a mature penis and testicles. I like that the girls wore on piece suits and the best part, it was sanctioned by parents and the school system that girls see male genitals but they better not expose those genitals outside the swim programs. It was in northern Wisconsin and many other areas in the 1950's and early 60's I wish it never stopped and was still going on today.

Buckeye5395 said...

The lady should have had her behind covered . That was the first place I looked.
Looks like she is looking him over for the enjoyment and learning experience.
Also It appeared he had rolled back his foreskin for her.....

Anonymous said...

I agree Buckeye, no need for women to expose anything just because the males are totally naked. Naked males should just get the pleasure seeing women enjoy seeing them naked without the need to expose themselves. it makes a 100 % safe place for them to see cocks and balls.