Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Events' dress code social control

In many events, concerts, gatherings, cfnm is very common and sometimes almost mandatory.

Not only the access control officers ask the boys to undress before entering, 

but even the girls inside insist that the boys remain naked ...



Anonymous said...

Great dress code but I would clarify it, ALL males must be naked, ALL females must be modestly dressed.

Anonymous said...

This should be a mandatory rule for all events and concerts

Anonymous said...

the girl is asking the boy to take off those ridiculous strips that don't show his genitals well

Anonymous said...

The boy in the middle is cheating!

Marie said...

right, and the girl is saying that if he doesnt disrobe comletely immediately, she does it herself !

Anonymous said...

I am not overly well-endowed, but I think I would find it much easier and far less embarrassing showing my penis to the world than standing there with ridiculous ribbons around my waste.

CFNM1976 said...

She's adorable./.

Anonymous said...

Agree. The bloke with the stupid ribbons around his torso is a chump.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that "painted dick guy", with his girlfriend?
Sure looks like them, anyone know where this place is, what's the event?

CFNM1976 said...

It does resemble her./. I can't be sure on him./.

Anonymous said...

Very similar, I think it's them

Student said...

I am well-endowed, so is easy for me being naked.

Anonymous said...

If it is the same couple, it shows that she is always dressed when she has him naked and that she is in control. If they were in Times Square and she told him to strip naked, he would do it. (and they both would get away with it if it was during the yearly body painting event where men and women are naked however the women most often wear a modesty pad on the lower half while the males are totally naked.