Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Event entrance check

In many events, concerts, gatherings, cfnm is very common and sometimes almost mandatory.

The girls in charge of access control, with a smile on their lips, 

ask the boys to undress before entering ...


Verygary said...

If he didn't need his fanny pak, he wouldn't need to negotiate. She could open the gate and he could go on in.

Anonymous said...

Great dress code for all events.

Anonymous said...

This should be a mandatory rule for all events and concerts

Anonymous said...

I find the most confident and honest posture for male nudes in public, including myself, is a direct, hands-on-hips stance, the penis confidently sticking out in front, whether flaccid or erect, like a good little soldier. It brings comfort and reassurance to feel that there is nothing inherently wrong or shameful displaying the male body in a relaxed and non-threatening way, just as we were made.