Saturday, August 17, 2024


236. Mike and friend at Gunnison Beach (2nd part)

Thank you very much, great photos ... as usual !!

Here the second set of photos ...

Naked on the beach with people around, completely shaved and cut, with the cock finally hard!

We love you!
































Verygary said...

Just what was she telling him?

Anonymous said...

Beach boner

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the question?
All need answer

Anonymous said...

As a male who has been to Gunnison many times, there are three levels to the experience in my estimation.

1. When everyone is naked, nobody is. It's just natural and becomes unremarkable.

2. When some females on the beach remain clothed, there's a level of vulnerability and inferiority that is hard to describe, but is absolutely exhilarating, especially when they're looking, though most try to hide that they are. But every now and then one or a group of them is blatant about looking, which adds to the exhilaration.

3. When one of them gets their phone camera out and either tries to surreptitiously take pictures, or blatantly does so, the utter humiliation, exposure, and simultaneous exhilaration is next level and complete. I usually try to pretend not to notice, but sometimes I look and smirk, and then the next wall gets broken when they know that I know that they've utterly defeated me and own me now and forever. And it's absolutely intoxicating.

Anonymous said...

I wish I was him

Anonymous said...

I would love to be naked with this beautiful girl. I will be rock hard all the time!

Diana said...

His penis gets harder and harder as the pictures go on.

Anonymous said...

It looks like his penis is going to salute her much like a soldier salutes a superior officer.

Anonymous said...

Whose taking the photo? I woman I hope.

CFNM1976 said...

CFNM makes the better for all./. Thank you two for showing the good times you have./.

Student said...

Yeah. It works ha ha