Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wedding photo album

More and more wedding reportages include photos in CFNM style.

In most cases is the groom who is photographed naked, 

sometimes the naked man is a part of the landscape ...



Anonymous said...

I guess male nudity at weddings is an easy way to discern who the "best man" is, huh?

Anonymous said...

No need to waste money dressing up the males when you can spend it on the bride, have ALL the males in the wedding party naked from the wedding reception and in fact, make the whole thing a CFNM event and have all the

Anonymous said...

that should read have ALL the MALE guest to naked.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the naked man in the first picture is not the groom.

Anonymous said...

Nudity would be a welcome threat to the American wedding industry, which bases its profiteering on over-priced staging, clothing that has to be rented (or bought and never worn again), conspicuous consumption, and selling an unrealistic set of expectations about life and marriage. In a sense, it sells a facade. And nudity strips that away. It's more honest, more realistic, and, frankly, a lot more fun. So start with the easiest change first, by making all the bridegrooms nude -- penises on parade -- so that we can appreciate what really matters.

Anonymous said...

Great contrasts. The formally dressed couple, giving their vows before God, and a naked human being in nature